Looking for Guest House or quiet furnished room, with all utilities, reliable Internet included.
Friendly household with female over 50 prefered.
Non-smoker, occasional drinker.
Westlake Village or surrounding area Would be ideal.
University of Maryland/Georgetown Graduate.
Have been living in Europe where I ran a small bed and breakfast.
US Army Medical Corps Veteran female over 50.
Excellent health.
My passions are law, politics, medicine, cooking and the arts.
Love being domestic and BBQs outdoors.
Credit score in the 700's with no consumer debt.
No criminal convictions, outstanding civil judgments or points on driving record.
Excellent social, interpersonal, time management and organizational skills.
Same sex couple, pets, kids nuclear family, M/F np.
Long or short term.
Love cats and all animals.
If interested, visit: www.
com for contact information.
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