275gal Non Food Grade unwashed $100ea
275gal Food grade tank unwashed $150ea
275gal Human Consumption tank washed $180ea
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We deliver in Ventura, Santa Barbara and Los Angeles counties.
Delivery fee may apply.
Delivery schedule builds daily, we may be able to deliver same day.
Overall, our tanks are premium units not used times over.
Sources for these tanks are used once, maybe twice by the vendor and then turned over to us.
Food Grades usually held the following: Almond Butter, Salmon Oil, Vitamin E, Soy Sauce, rubbing alcohols.
Non food grade, may have been liquid fertilizer or detergents, such as car wash soap.
Human consumption, held grain alcohol or like material for human consumption purposes.
Then washed with bleach before being turned over to customer.
Perfect for rain water collection, fire prevention, gardens, hydroponic, aquaponic, liquid/water storage or transport.
Human consumption, best for food preparation or drinking water.
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Business inquiries welcome.
Bulk orders have bulk pricing, minimum of 10 units for bulk pricing.
Call for details.
Keywords: Chemical tanks, agricultural, Rain harvesting, Bushman rain harvesting, Bushman, water tanks, steel tanks, Rotoplas tanks, Rotoplas, cisterns, Tank, tank, water tank, Tanks, 275 gallon totes, Fire Prevention - Gray Water Systems - Water Recycling Systems Bio-Diesel - Collecting and Storing Used Vegetable Oil (WVO) - Storing oil - Moving Containers - Great Storage Container - Hydroponics, Hydroponic garden - Water Reservoir - National and International Shipping Containers - Earthquake Readiness Container - - Parts wash Down - Bio-Diesel Fuel - Septic Tanks for RV's - Water transfer container - Aquarium cleaning - Dairy feed container - Chicken feed container - Dog food container - Cat food container - Bulk storage-Barrel racing - Koi transfer -- Bait Tank -- BBQ Grill -- trash can ibc containers, 175 gal.
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aquaponics - beer mash& Size's of Barrels Bee keeping