Hard Money Loans, Close In 7 to 10 Days, 888-732-9480
We offer Private Money Real Estate Loans for investors and the widest range of loan programs under one roof.
Bridge loans, long term rental loans to 30 years, shovel-ready construction loans, rehab/remodel loans, deal saver Turbo Close (3 to 8 day close).
Call for personal attention to your loan scenario 888-732-9480.
Properties Financed and Loan Programs:
Single-Family Loans, Residential Loans (2 to 4 Units)
Apartment Loans (5+ Units) & Mixed Use Property Loans (Apartments + Commercial)
Senior Housing Loans, Student Housing Loans, Mobile Home Park Loans, Loans for RV Parks, Hotels & Motels
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We provide financing on Special Purpose Properties (day care, dealerships, auto care, restaurants, convenience store, parking garages)
Family office will loan on airplanes & yachts!
Lots & Land Loans, Agricultural Property loans, Loans on Horse Farms, Loans on Hobby Farms, Cannabis
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