I'm kind of struggling and that's because I don't have any wheels to get me from a to b.
If by chance anyone has something collecting dust please let me know.
Dirt bike, motorized bike, scooter, e bike, anything.
Just found out my baby has cancer.
She may be just a cat to some but to me she's everything.
I'm heartbroken over this.
I'm going through a tough time and I'm pretty much broke until I can get to and from jobs but I'm willing to work something out.
I clean professionally, Ive been a personal assistant, I ran 2 hotels, Ive been a bartender as welk as barista, gardener, property caretaker, house sitter, etc.
I have a valid license.
I'm extremely handy and resourceful.
I'm easy to work with.
I just need a little help and I'll return the favor.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read.